general conditions of use


The site (hereinafter "the site" or "Maison Duchénoy site") is administered by Maison Duchénoy.

The use of the Maison Duchénoy site and the purchase of products offered on (hereinafter "Products") are subject to these general conditions of use of the Maison DUchénoy site ("General Conditions of use"). By using the Maison Duchénoy website, the user acknowledges having read, understood and unreservedly accepted these General Conditions of Use. Similarly, by using the Maison Duchénoy site, the user acknowledges the confidentiality clauses of the Maison Duchénoy site (see "Security and confidentiality").

Maison Duchénoy may at any time modify and update these Terms of use and the Privacy policy. Maison Duchénoy advises the user to be regularly informed of the current conditions. The user can read at any time the version of the General conditions of use or the Privacy policy in force by clicking on the link "General conditions of sale".

2. SECURITY and confidentiality

The Privacy policy of Maison Duchénoy (see "Privacy policy") governs the use of personal data that the user agrees to communicate to Maison Duchénoy on this site. Maison Duchénoy may change its privacy policy at any time, as provided in this document.

Maison Duchénoy is not intended for minor children.

3. intellectual property

All the elements (drawings, models, illustrations, images, soundtracjs, texts, logos, brands, ...) constituting the site Maison Duchénoy is the exclusive property of Maison Duchénoy. With the exception of the derogations expressly provided for in the General Conditions of Use, it is forbidden for any user to reproduce in whole or in part, by any process, to distribute, publish, transmit, modify or sell all or part of the content of the Maison Duchénoy site, or create derivative works from it.

The brand "LINGE AU COEUR", the figurative brand representing an "L", the brand "ENTRELACS BY LINGE AU COEUR" and its logo, and all other brands and logos related to Maison Duchénoy, registered or not, displayed on the site Maison Duchénoy, as well as the domain name "" are and will remain the exclusive property of Maison Duchénoy. Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, modification or use of these marks without the express prior consent of Maison Duchénoy, for any reason whatsoever, is prohibited.

It is prohibited for any user to delete any copyright, trademark or other exclusive rights notice from the Maison Duchénoy site or any content contained therein. The user may make a single copy of the internet pages published on the Maison Duchénoy site for his private, personal and non-commercial use, provided that any copy of these internet pages retains all the "copyright" notices (copyright) and exclusive rights contained therein.


The Maison Duchénoy site may contain links to third-party sites not edited or controlled by Maison Duchénoy. Such links are provided for convenience only, they cannot and should not be construed as express or implied endorsement of such sites, their content or any product or service offered therein. Any user may only link to the website with the express written permission of Maison Duchénoy.


Maison Duchénoy shall in no case be held liable towards the user or a third party for any indirect, incident, special or incidental damage - which includes, without being exhaustive, any loss of profit, loss of turnover or other indirect loss -, resulting from the use of the site Maison Duchénoy or the inability of the user to use it.
This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.

6. NO Warranty

Maison Duchénoy cannot guarantee or affirm:

  • that the Maison Duchénoy site is free of biruses, data overwriting programs, Trojans or other destruction materials;
  • that the information contained in the Maison Duchénoy website is accurate, complete or up to date.

The site Maison Duchénoy may contain technical innacuracies or other defects, Maison Duchénoy does not guarantee the correction of these defects. The Maison Duchénoy site and the content of this site are presented "as is" and "subject to availability". Maison Duchénoy expressly excludes any form of warranty, and in particular, any implied warranty relating to the usual conditions of use of the site or the suitability of the site for normal use or specific use, its quality or compliance with any legal provisions.
This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.


These terms of use, established in English and French, are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law without regard to the principles of conflicts of laws.
In case of dispute, the user and Maison Duchénoy undertake before any legal action to seek an amicable solution. Otherwise, the competent court will be that of the defendant's domicile. 

Maison Duchénoy reserves the right to seek and obtain injunctions or orders to defend its rights hereunder.